
How to Shape Your Personal Brand and Become a Thought Leader in Three Easy Steps

How to Shape Your Personal Brand and Become a Thought Leader in Three Easy Steps

Let me start by being clear: It’s up to others to decide whether or not you are a thought leader; you can’t just say that.

A thought leader is a person or organization that is an acknowledged authority in a particular field and whose original ideas influence and direct others. This does not happen overnight.

Being known to make a difference is a key component of thought leadership. Being known to be known to be known. You can establish yourself as a thought leader, influence your sector, and gain credibility by following these three steps.

1. Be sincere.

Be real to build your personal brand. You will stand out in a world full of copycats if you are genuine and let your distinctive qualities shine through. Therefore, stick to who you are.

This means not trying to emulate, compete with, or outdo others by watching what they do; Do things your way, instead. Take the less-traveled route and encourage others to do the same.

2. Discuss your thoughts.

Create essential content that supports your mission and discover your voice. Your content should not only catch people’s attention, but it should also make people think and take them where you want them to.

People are drawn to you by what you say and how you think. So, be more daring. Be precise. Put aside the platitudes and write and speak deliberately. 20 words of nonsense can be replaced by one great word. Say something meaningful!

You want people to talk about and share your content. What do you believe in? What does your company represent?

Also, don’t be afraid to share your own wisdom, including the challenges you’ve faced and the lessons you’ve picked up along the way. When you share your personal experiences, you are unique because no one else can replicate them. Additionally, everyone enjoys great stories.

3. Be observant.

You must be committed to sharing your message and be consistent with it. Regularly blog. Post your articles where your tribe will see them, not just on your website. Share your content strategically through guest blogs, social media, live events, public speaking, and other channels.

Search for and work with other powerhouses and connectors in your industry. They’ll be happy to show their followers what you have to offer as you build your personal brand. This increases your visibility, increases your credibility, and makes it possible for a larger number of people to hire you.

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